Remember these 3 Cs of cybersecurity from Charter Title

During a month known for tricks and treats, we wanted to spotlight October as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This is a very important topic for all of us in real estate because cybercriminals are always lurking in the digital shadows, searching for the perfect opportunity to trick one of us.
That’s why we all must stay vigilant when it comes to warding off cybercrime. With that in mind, the Charter Title team put together our own list of three Cs of cybersecurity. We compiled our tip sheet from this Forbes’ article that names compliance, coverage, cost and continuity as other alliterative options.
Our three cybersecurity Cs:

Change: Change your passwords regularly and make sure they are strong. What gives passwords strength? It’s 15 characters or longer, uses a mixture of letters, numbers and symbols and is unique to that account. We know changing passwords every 90 days or so can feel like a chore, but it’s that important. Put it on your calendar and use a password generator or manager if needed.

Commitment: Be covered by a plan and stay committed to following it. In any business, it’s important to have a cybersecurity strategy in place, and that goes double for us in real estate. Furthermore, stay committed to doing those software and computer updates when asked. Doing so is a key to any good protection plan.

Communicate: Talk about your dedication to cybersecurity internally and externally. Make sure your entire team knows procedures and protocols – and provide training so they know how to follow them. Make sure your customers know about how you protect them, and make sure vendors and partners are committed to staying secure, too.

Finally, here’s a reminder that applies anytime. Reach out to us if something ever seems off during your transaction. Slowing down and verifying information can be the difference between staying secure and a disaster. A real estate deal should be an exciting experience, and Charter Title does everything we can to keep it a positive one for everyone involved.

Three ways to make sure your listing photos shine

Real estate photography has always been important, but it’s even more vital in the digital age. Consider this stat: potential homebuyers spend 60 percent of their time looking at a home’s photographs– compared to 20 percent of it reading the listing description. The bottom line is that great photos can increase traffic to your home virtually and in person.

That’s why when we saw this article all about what professional photographers wished the rest of us knew about their craft, we had to come up with our own tip list for anyone looking to sharpen their photography skills.

Equipment and practice matter. You can use your phone; just make sure you use it to the best of its capability. Why? If your pictures are blurry or pixelated due to poor quality camera equipment or lack of photographer skill, they will be noticed for all the wrong reasons. Don’t forget that even with the best shots, editing can make or break an image. Professional software like Photoshop can enhance photographs, ensuring they look their best in every way.

Spotless presentation is key. Good photos will bring everything into focus – including what you don’t want seen. This includes a seller’s personal treasures, a stray stain on the carpet or something else just being a little off. Why is it important to give potential buyers a blank slate? You want them to visualize their own stuff being in the space.

Do one last walkthrough before you start. A final sweep will ensure everything is in order and how you want it. Pay attention to features you want to make sure look good. One piece of related advice: as you go room to room, review your photos to see if anything out of the ordinary is catching your eye. You can always shoot that room again.

Real estate photography is a fine blend of art and strategy—it demands more than just pressing the shutter; it requires the right equipment, a decluttered space, meticulous attention to detail, and timing that showcases the property in its utmost glory. We know we work with some of Nebraska’s best real estate professionals, and the Charter Title team always wants our friends to be cast in the best light.

When you’re ready to work with a title and closing provider that will make you look as good as your new listing photos, you know you can turn to use. Reach out to your local Charter Title office anytime!

Keep your eye out for seller fraud scams this season

On top of the many challenges – and opportunities – 2023 has presented us, there’s a scam happening across the country that needs to be on all of our radars. We’re talking about seller impersonation scams – sometimes called vacant lot fraud because these fake sellers often target vacant lots, vacation homes, non-occupied ranch land, rental properties and more.

American Land Title Association CEO Diane Tomb recently encouraged all title professionals to keep talking about these scams, so that’s exactly what the Charter Title team, who are proud ALTA members, are doing now. Here are some potential signs of this kind of fraud – and information on how to tackle the issue.

A seller wants a quick sale and is willing to take a lower, all-cash option to make it happen. Especially be wary if the people involved become more anxious and demanding as the process continues. While we all want to deliver for our customers, don’t promise to cut corners to make the process faster.

A seller only makes contact via email or text and doesn’t want to meet in person. Call the “seller” and see if a person picks up or if you get sent to voicemail. You can also request a video call and be sure to be ready to ask property-specific questions that can’t be answered with a simple internet search.

A seller isn’t willing to produce a government ID, or the name on the ID doesn’t match the property information. Be suspicious and use public search tools to your advantage. Reverse phone search the “seller’s” phone number, compare the signatures with previously recorded documents, look for photos of the real owner and more.
One more tip: Talk to your previous clients (homeowners and other property owners about this scam, too, and encourage them to set up a Google Alert for their address(es). It seems like a simple step, but on the off chance they’re targeted, they’ll know if their property gets listed.

The entire Charter Title team prides itself in solving any issues you have before and during your transaction with us. That includes doing everything we can to protect our customers and their clients. Reach out to us anytime with questions about bad actors – or anything else about the closing process. It’s why we’re Nebraska’s trusted group of title professionals for so many of you!

Welcome back to the Charter Title blog!

It’s hard to believe 2023 is more than halfway done, and what an adventure it has been. No matter how the first six months treated you, the Charter Title team wanted to take a second to say we appreciate your business and friendship.

We take pride in being one of the most trusted title companies in the state and hope that dedication comes through during each residential and commercial file we handle. After all, we’re the team that has your back anywhere you need us in Nebraska.

What are we doing with this new blog effort? We’re glad you asked! Our messages won’t be spammy or frivolous, but we want to stay connected with you using multiple avenues. Our offices are always a phone call away, and we love interacting with our friends on social media (Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn). But these messages are simply another way we can be there for you.

Without further ado, here are three tips we can all use to minimize summer stress during the rest of this wonderful season.

Don’t forget the positives. None of us know exactly how the rest of the year will shake out, but rest assured our team will be here for you. Don’t get discouraged when it comes to obstacles or setbacks. Focus on the positives and the small steps along the way, whether for you or those around you. The Charter Title team is always here to celebrate a milestone with you.

Continue to make time for yourself. No matter how busy or stressful life gets, stick to your normal exercise and sleep routines. Doing so will keep you at your best. You’ll need energy to tackle those to-do lists, after all. If you need a break to recharge, take it!

Rely on Charter Title as your trusted title company. OK, this one is self-indulging. However, working with the right title company can make all the difference when it comes to how smooth a transaction is. Charter Title is here for all your Nebraska title and closing needs.

Thank you for reading! Let us know what topics you’d like to see us tackle in the future. Reach out to one of our offices whenever you need us

Facebook marketing is still available

The rise of social media platforms have revealed the importance of video-focused marketing. While Instagram and TikTok are great tools to promote listings and attract younger generations, you shouldn’t stop marketing on Facebook. As the largest social media platform in the world, here are four reasons why the Charter Title team thinks your marketing strategy should still include Facebook.

Facebook Business Profiles

As a start-up, small agency or established household name, Facebook’s business pages offer online business profiles that make it easy to display basic information about your services. You’ll also be able to upload consistent posts and conduct live webinars to engage customers.

Many Active Users

With almost three billion monthly users, Facebook is not only a perfect opportunity for brand awareness but also for advertising. With advertising, you’ll receive more visibility and boost traffic to your website. Establish a balance between organic and sponsored content to promote your business to a variety of users.

One Platform/Versatile Content

Social media tools usually focus on one primary form of content, but Facebook maintains a versatile platform that allows you to share multiple types of content, including video. This allows you to provide what everyone is looking for.

Invested Audience

Facebook remains the most popular social media network among users aged 35-44, and 70% of all adults still use the platform. With Facebook Audience Insights, you learn more about your specific audience and can create content accordingly.

While other avenues may generate more buzz, Facebook is still key, and its transparent audience will help your next marketing campaign succeed. The Charter Title crew can’t wait to partner with you so give us a follow today!

Springtime is for homebuyers!

Sharing information is the key to success in our industry so the Charter Title & Escrow team is excited to connect with you each month through your inbox. We’ll be celebrating our great clients across the state of Nebraska, sharing marketing tips, and including local or industry news we think you’ll find helpful and interesting.

Since spring has sprung, we’d like to talk about the housing market. For many millennial homebuyers, 2022 is the year they’ll finally be ready for the home of their dreams. Helping them navigate this unique and interesting market is the top priority.

This recent article from got us thinking about three ways our Realtor friends can help their clients keep their sunny outlook during their home buying journey.

  • Encourage open-mindedness. Inventory is at a historic low. Your clients’ “perfect home” is likely to see prices driven up by fierce competition. Be their guide, and help them see where compromise is appropriate, whether it’s flexibility on location, features, or fixable cosmetic issues.
  • Get them pre-approved. Stress to your buyers how important it is to be ready to act when it’s time to make an offer. Pre-approval just might be the difference between landing their perfect home or being left in the dust once the paperwork is finalized.
  • Set realistic expectations. With prices going up and options limited, you’ve probably already had frustrating experiences with reverse pricing and “bargain basement” strategies. As you know, if the cost is too good to be true, it probably is. Better to prepare your buyers for this on the front end.

As hard as you work for your clients, you deserve a closing team that has your back. With over a century of title and real estate experience, the Charter Title & Escrow team is here to make the process as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Contact us today!

Our Hispanic Division is proud to offer services to all

The Charter Title & Escrow team is committed to investing in the people and resources it takes to best serve all our great customers, both now and in the future. We’re the team that has your back!

As Omaha, Lincoln, and other communities across our state grow in diversity, we recognize it can be challenging to help families navigate the homebuying or selling process if there is a language or cultural barrier.

That’s why our Hispanic Division provides personalized assistance to all our Spanish-speaking Realtors and loan officers, as well as the customers they serve. We got a lot of great feedback and coverage when we launched this last year, and we just wanted to say Itzel and her team are doing a great job.

As the first company in Nebraska to offer a fully bilingual team, we know that providing exceptional service must go beyond simply speaking and writing the language.

Our Hispanic Division team understands the culture and how both customers and their families from the Hispanic community might feel as they navigate buying or selling a home. We aim to educate Latino clients on what to expect so that as many families as possible can purchase homes.

“We take pride in working with people to make sure they understand the title and closing process so it can be part of a joyous milestone for them,” Itzel says. “Our team has the compassion and experience needed to help our community achieve their housing dreams.”

Interested in working with this dream team? Contact one of our offices to get started today!

3 Tips to Help Your Buyers Achieve Their 2022 Housing Dreams

So, what was your New Year’s resolution? So, what’s your New Year’s Resolution? For many first-time homebuyers, 2022 is the year they are ready to finally purchase the home of their dreams.

And it’s expected that the 2021 seller’s market is going to continue well into the new year.

This recent article from got us thinking about four ways our Realtor friends can help their clients maintain their new year’s optimism while staying realistic and competitive.

Encourage open-mindedness

Inventory is at a historic low. Your clients’ “perfect home” is likely to see prices driven up by fierce competition. Be their guide and help them see where compromise is appropriate, whether it’s flexibility on location, features, or fixable cosmetic issues.

Get them pre-approved

Stress to your buyers how important it is to be ready to act when it’s time to make an offer. Pre-approval just might be the difference between landing their perfect home or being left in the dust once the paperwork is finalized.

Set realistic expectations

With prices going up and options limited, you’ve probably already had frustrating experiences with reverse pricing and “bargain basement” strategies. As you know, if the cost is too good to be true, it probably is. Better to prepare your buyers for this on the front end.

As hard as you work for your clients, you deserve a closing team that has your back. With over a century of title and real estate experience, the Charter Title & Escrow team is here to make the process as seamless and enjoyable as possible. We had a great year in 2021 that included working with you and your customers and the launch of our Hispanic Division. We know 2022 will be full of lots of success, too!